
Dave Swavely loves to communicate The Way With Words through writing and has been doing so effectively for many years. In addition to authoring his own material, he has served others in various ways – from ghostwriting to editing to manuscript advice and enhancement, and has provided a wide range of services for both non-fiction and fiction.

Dave’s non-fiction books have been recommended by many Christian leaders, including such luminaries as John MacArthur, Jay Adams, Jerry Bridges, Steve Brown, and Tim Challies. His novels have been recommended by Philip K. Dick’s close friend and protégé K. W. Jeter, international bestselling YA author Julie Cross, and many others, and received glowing reviews by outlets like Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist, Library Journal, and Shelf Awareness.

Here are some other endorsements for Dave’s writing work, from a broad variety of people:

My friend Dave Swavely has one of the broadest and most diverse resumes of any writer-editor I know. I always enjoy working with him on book projects and you should certainly consider his services. Kevin Meath, Publisher at Cruciform Press

Dave Swavely has a unique ability to write his own works, from novels to theological commentaries. From personal experience I can vouch for his ability to serve authors as a re-writer and editor. It is my privilege to commend him to you as an author, editor, and re-writer. Dr. Harry L. Reeder III, Senior Pastor at Briarwood Presbyterian Church

I’ve known Dave for twenty years and have edited several of his published novels. He’s a talented writer with a lot of experience and a good sense of plot and character development. He’s also very easy to work with. I would highly recommend him as an editor or ghostwriter. Brendan Deneen, Head of IP at Assemble Media and former Executive Editor at St. Martins’ Press and Tor Books

The one thing I appreciate most about Dave’s editing expertise is that he engages with my material on a deep level. His thoughtful comments alerted me to problems I would never have seen on my own, and he’s just as enthusiastic a cheerleader as he is supportive in pointing out weaknesses. Latayne C. Scott, award-winning author of The Mormon Mirage and A Conspiracy of Breath

As a published author of a short book and various healthcare articles I thought writing my first novel would be a simple expansion of effort. Not so. After completing my first draft I turned to Dave for assistance. Not only did he provide expert detailed editing, he also took the time to unfold concepts and ideas that I had not considered. His focus was as much on helping me to become a great writer as it was to ensure that the book was properly edited. Dave was also able to introduce me to important contacts who gave me addition insights and encouragement. I am grateful for having an editor with Dave’s expertise in my corner, and for the many critical insights that are helping me as a writer. Steve Zollos, novelist

I found Dave to be very easy to work with and highly professional. Being easy to work with is important to me as an author because of how much my work needs to be edited! It was also clear to me that Dave knows how to write and make an argument clear. Dr. Ernie Baker, Chair of the Online B.A. in Biblical Counseling at The Master’s University, Pastor of Counseling at First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Fellow at the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors and Certified Conciliator for The Institute for Christian Conciliation

There are several reasons I love working with Dave. His editing process is swift and refreshing. The goal is clear and the end is in sight. It’s not a never-ending process. He understands fiction and story structure, because he is a novelist. Finally, because he understands writers, he doesn’t over-edit your work. It remains your work and your voice. Thor Ramsey, author of the soon-to-be released novel The Honest Atheist

In working with Dave, I have appreciated his timely and appropriate edits. Writing is quite a labor for me, but he has helped me get my ideas on paper in a way that communicates clearly and concisely. Dr. T. Dale Johnson, Jr., PhD, Executive Director at the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors and Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

I was referred to Dave by my mentor Dr. Howard Eyrich. I had not only never used an editor but I had only just co-authored my first book. I had no idea what to expect. What I got was professionalism and practical help. He was patient: much more so than we deserved. And he was thorough. The thing that meant the most to me was that he was constantly careful to remind me that this was “your book”. He guided me but left the door open for me to deal with my content. That meant so much. We gave him a mess. He returned a beautiful, easy to understand book back to us. Thank you Dave. Lori Beard, Certified Biblical Counselor and co-author of The Long Haul

I’ve read several different works written by Dave. His religious writings were very comprehensive, yet readable and educational. He has a knack for communicating difficult concepts in a way that is easy to understand and making it relatable. On his secular works of fiction, most recently “DAYFALL” (written under a pen name), which was an exciting tale that blended futuristic themes with a traditional detective story. It was a captivating read that was entertaining and suspenseful, without being over the top or resorting to common tropes. I highly recommend it for casual reading for pleasure. Bill L. from PA

Dave is great to work with. He has an inquiring mind which really helps him to get to the heart of the matter. He also shows great initiative in getting things done! Andrew Hart, PAK7 International CEO

Dave Swavely helped me make the shift from publishing a dozen non-fiction books to my first published work of fiction. His work was especially valuable in honing the storyline and achieving consistency throughout the unfolding narrative. My stories are better because of Dave’s careful eye and helpful editing. John Kitchen, pastor and author

I am still amazed by the book that Dave put together from the unorganized mess we handed him. While we had the words, we had no idea how to turn them into something others would want to read. Dave did that for us. His patience and care in formatting our book and leading clueless, first-time authors through the editing process is a true testimony to his passion for his work and seeing God glorified through writing. It was an honor to work with him! Alison Simmons, blogger and co-author of The Long Haul

I am so thankful for Dave Swavely and his tremendous ability to articulate God’s Word effectively through writing. Dave has been a long-time friend and mentor to me and I know he will be a blessing to you and many others. Ryan Vance, missionary with Agents for Christ and Uganda Kids Project

Dave Swavely is an excellent writer. He writes with clarity and conviction, showing an ability to express deep truths understandably and relevantly. I have been very impressed with his editing skills. His work on the chapter I contributed to a book of essays honoring Jay Adams made for a more readable, better organized piece. He not only has an eye for the technical aspects of writing, he is adept at helping authors to communicate their best. Dr. Stanley D. Gale, author of Finding Forgiveness and other books on the Christian life

Here are some of the writing and editing projects Dave has worked on through the years:

3 Bible Study Guides for John MacArthur in the early 90s (writer)

How to Meet the Enemy by John MacArthur (contributor)

Saved Without A Doubt by John MacArthur (contributor)

The Gospel According to Jesus, revised edition, by John MacArthur (contributor)

Romans Commentary, revised edition, by John MacArthur (contributor)

Introduction to Biblical Counseling by MacArthur, Mack, et al (writer, 120 pages)

Life in the Father’s House: A Member’s Guide to the Local Church (author)

The Biblical Position on Divorce & Remarriage (Grace Community Church) (writer)

Decisions, Decisions: How (and How Not) to Make Them (author)

Who Are You to Judge? The Dangers of Judging and Legalism (author)

Silhouette (Peacer Series Book 1) (author)

Kaleidocide (Peacer Series Book 2) (author)

From Embers to a Flame: How God Can Revitalize Your Church by Reeder and Swavely (writer)

Foundations of the Christian Faith, updated edition, by James M. Boice (study guide writer)

3D Leadership: Defining, Developing, and Deploying Christian Leaders Who Can Change the World by Harry Reeder (writer)

Dayfall (author, as Michael David Ares)

Next Life: A Novel (author)

Haunted Man by Charles Dickens, abridged and annotated version (editor and writer)

The Mona Lisa Mirror Mystery by Latayne Scott (editor)

Legend of the Wapa by Ernie Bowman (editor)

Run to Win: The Lifelong Pursuits of a Godly Man by Tim Challies (editor)

The Honest Atheist by Thor Ramsey (editor)

No Road Too Far by John Kitchen (editor)

The Lectio Continua New Testament Commentary Series – James by Harry Reeder (writer)

Whole Counsel: The Public and Private Ministries of the Word (Essays in Honor of Jay E. Adams) (editor and writer)

Grant research and writing for non-profit ministries, including PAK7 and The Answer CCD

Unto Others: Rediscovering the Golden Rule (author)

Words With Wings: Spurgeon Meets Dickens (author)

Plan A: How to Make Decisions God’s Way (author)